Friday, June 20, 2008

More cute kids and puppies

Nancy Lu can roll from her back to her stomach almost the entire way (she just can't figure out what to do with her arm that gets in the way) and she can hold her own weight on her chubby little legs. She is so strong! Every stranger that sees her is surprised to find out her age, and tells me she is very alert and strong for her age. I have no idea, as i have no experience with newborns, but it sounds good to me. Leah came back from Colorado for the weekend and she brought Nancy one of those Bumbo chairs- it is perfect for Nancy especially because she loves to sit up and look around.

Here she is passed out in her pretty little dress, in her pretty little bed (with sheets from Cousin Susan and family), and her pretty purple blanket. She's so precious!

Here's some puppy pictures. The babies still have pretty uneventful lives. They are getting fatter but don't open their eyes or move around yet. They are just cute lumps of puppy right now.

Brendan with a puppy

Seth with a puppy

Mama Belle and babies get some love from the family

Brendan and Seth hang out with the puppies in the dog house

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